4 Motivational Books You Should Read


I don’t know if this has ever happen to you but it certainly happens to me a lot. As a matter of fact, today I was a victim of it!

Have you ever walked to the refrigerator, opened the door and keep staring inside wondering what you went for? You can’t remember, so you have to go back to where you were sitting or standing and re-wind your mind! Not only that, how about having your car keys in your hands but keep searching the  house for it? Ha ha..that’s because our minds are too busy and not focus.

Every now and then our minds wonder, not because we want it to but because we just can’t help it. And most of the times, it’s the negative thoughts that have over-powered our minds. When we allow these negative thoughts to take full control of us we become fearful and is not  motivated to push ourselves forward. But thanks to the many authors who have written various self-help and motivational books that can assist us to move forward.

Below I have shared with you four of these books that I have available in my Book Store. These books have helped to transformed my mind and have motivated me to “get up and do it.”

1. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway feel the fear

A very dynamic and inspirational book that will teach you how to transform all your negatives thoughts into positive ones. It gives profound concepts and tools to transform lives.

This was the very first motivational book I read; given to me as a gift from my sister and I’m telling you it is truly a treasure. So if you are serious about changing your life, go and get your copy now.

2.  Who Moved My Cheese?51-Zm4xNGiL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

Wow!  This one is like a parable with animated characters but the lesson it teaches will stay with you for life. It shows you how to deal with unexpected changes and to live a stress free life. Most of all if there are any fears and anxieties about the future…this is the book  you need to read.



A book about personal development and self improvement by the grandfather of all times, the great Napoleon Hill. In it he teaches us about faith and persistence and how we can elevate ourselves to greater heights. It stresses the need to be determined and to be more focused on long term goals. Another one for you to grab!


Pursuit of happyness

This is a real exciting and courageous story of how a very determined man became triumphant and successful in life despite his many downfalls. It focuses on topics that affects everyday lives such as domestic abuse, mental illness, child molestation, etc.,

If you are without hope and is feeling discouraged then you need to purchase this book now!  By reading this book you will find new hope. You will learn that you can start life from where you are, and that where you are coming from has nothing to do with what you want to achieve from life; you can come from nowhere and still end up somewhere great.

There you have it. Four inspiring and sensational books. Go and grab at least one of them to start with, as I said they are available in my Book Store but you can shop around as well.

Remember now that all it takes is a start!  #oneloVe

The starting point of all achievements is Desire; keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”                  ∼ Napolean Hill

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